coachella day 2waking up at the frank sinatra house isnt so shabby. went for a quick dip with jeremy in the piano shaped pool... which keys show up with the sun and architecture of the house.

rushed over with uffie because she was performing at 1:30 with dj mehdi. we got there literally just in time for her to change, have a drink and run on stage. steve aoki, andre, jeremy, and all of ed banger were there supporting her backstage. the teenagers were on at the same time playing in the next tent so i ran over with
photographer matt irwin to say hi to our teenaged friends. it was so hot so we all went back to uffies trailor to sit in the air conditioning for a while.

went to go see minus the bear for a song and then went to go see MGMT who ive seen many times but they never get old. theyre live performances are so cultivating and magical. i really wanted to catch devotchka because ive never seen them live but didnt have the chance. got some food and then headed over to hot chip where everyone was. ran into dj am and we pushed are way through the side stage front. hot chip was outstanding. definitely one of the top performances of coachella. kraftwerk was kraftwerk so nerdy and fun. after the recent death of kraftwerks drummer, i was afraid they wouldnt play coachella but they did and i really appreciated that. so bascailly.

MIA stole the show. stoooole the show. i was dancing on stage with jeremy and uffie, along with a few people which was amazing. i loved the gun shot noises from paper planes that they continually mixed the whole time. it kept the audience on their toes and so worked up for more. jeremy and co went to yelle but i was exhausted so i went with steve to go hang out
with the mgmt boys. then straight to jeremys party where sam speigel, so me, and pedro djed. 

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